15 MISCUTS in total! Every card in the above photos has an alignment dot visible, or at least a partial alignment dot! The Dubwool, Excadril, and Spongy Gloves are misprints where the fronts are normal, but the backs have alignment dots and are heavily miscut! The three holo Celebrations cards all have the writing that should be on the very bottom including the year, all shops on the very top of the card! Please review all photos shown as this is the exact cards you will get if you purchase this listing! Bundle with any other listing to receive discounts all around. Thanks for checking out my post! Ignore Tags: Pokemon, Vintage, Rare, PSA, BGS, CGC, 1st edition, Shadowless, Charizard, Pikachu, Starter, Booster pack box, Japanese, Cards, Eevee, Mew, Mewtwo, Espeon, Umbreon, Lugia, Ash, Rare, V, Vmax, gx, ex, mint, Base Set, Fossil, Jungle, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge, Neo Revelation, Genesis, Destiny, Skyridge, Aquapolis, Expedition, Wotc, Blastoise, Venusaur,.